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Model compression via quantization and sparsity enhancement has gained an immense interest to enable the deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) in resource-constrained edge environments. Although these techniques have shown promising results in reducing the energy, latency and memory requirements of the DNNs, their performance in non-ideal real-world settings (such as in the presence of hardware faults) is yet to be completely understood. In this paper, we investigate the impact of bit-flip and stuck-at faults on activation-sparse quantized DNNs (QDNNs). We show that a high level of activation sparsity comes at the cost of larger vulnerability to faults. For instance, activation-sparse QDNNs exhibit up to 17.32% lower accuracy than the standard QDNNs. We also establish that one of the major cause of the degraded accuracy is sharper minima in the loss landscape for activation-sparse QDNNs, which makes them more sensitive to perturbations in the weight values due to faults. Based on this observation, we propose the mitigation of the impact of faults by employing a sharpness-aware quantization (SAQ) training scheme. The activation-sparse and standard QDNNs trained with SAQ have up to 36.71% and 24.76% higher inference accuracy, respectively compared to their conventionally trained equivalents. Moreover, we show that SAQ-trained activation-sparse QDNNs show better accuracy in faulty settings than standard QDNNs trained conventionally. Thus the proposed technique can be instrumental in achieving sparsity-related energy/latency benefits without compromising on fault tolerance.
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Most research studying social determinants of health (SDoH) has focused on physician notes or structured elements of the electronic medical record (EMR). We hypothesize that clinical notes from social workers, whose role is to ameliorate social and economic factors, might provide a richer source of data on SDoH. We sought to perform topic modeling to identify robust topics of discussion within a large cohort of social work notes. We retrieved a diverse, deidentified corpus of 0.95 million clinical social work notes from 181,644 patients at the University of California, San Francisco. We used word frequency analysis and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling analysis to characterize this corpus and identify potential topics of discussion. Word frequency analysis identified both medical and non-medical terms associated with specific ICD10 chapters. The LDA topic modeling analysis extracted 11 topics related to social determinants of health risk factors including financial status, abuse history, social support, risk of death, and mental health. In addition, the topic modeling approach captured the variation between different types of social work notes and across patients with different types of diseases or conditions. We demonstrated that social work notes contain rich, unique, and otherwise unobtainable information on an individual's SDoH.
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Time-resolved image sensors that capture light at pico-to-nanosecond timescales were once limited to niche applications but are now rapidly becoming mainstream in consumer devices. We propose low-cost and low-power imaging modalities that capture scene information from minimal time-resolved image sensors with as few as one pixel. The key idea is to flood illuminate large scene patches (or the entire scene) with a pulsed light source and measure the time-resolved reflected light by integrating over the entire illuminated area. The one-dimensional measured temporal waveform, called \emph{transient}, encodes both distances and albedoes at all visible scene points and as such is an aggregate proxy for the scene's 3D geometry. We explore the viability and limitations of the transient waveforms by themselves for recovering scene information, and also when combined with traditional RGB cameras. We show that plane estimation can be performed from a single transient and that using only a few more it is possible to recover a depth map of the whole scene. We also show two proof-of-concept hardware prototypes that demonstrate the feasibility of our approach for compact, mobile, and budget-limited applications.
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我们分析和分类从电影评论构建的文本数据的观点。为此,我们使用量子机学习算法的基于内核的方法。为了组合量子内核,我们使用使用不同Pauli旋转门组合构造的电路,其中旋转参数是从文本数据获得的数据点的经典非线性函数。为了分析提出的模型的性能,我们使用决策树,增强分类器以及经典和量子支持向量机分析量子模型。我们的结果表明,就所有评估指标而言,量子内核模型或量子支持向量机优于用于分析的所有其他算法。与经典的支持向量机相比,量子支持向量机也会带来明显更好的结果,即使功能数量增加或尺寸增加。结果清楚地表明,如果功能的数量为$ 15 $,则使用量子支持向量机使用量子支持向量机的精度分数提高了$ 9.4 \%$,而经典支持向量机则将其提高。
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SKA脉冲星搜索管道将用于实时检测脉冲星。SKA等现代射电望远镜将在其全面运行中生成数据。因此,基于经验和数据驱动的算法对于诸如候选检测等应用是必不可少的。在这里,我们描述了我们的发现,从测试一种称为Mask R-CNN的最先进的对象检测算法来检测SKA PULSAR搜索管道中的候选标志。我们已经训练了蒙版R-CNN模型来检测候选图像。开发了一种自定义注释工具,以有效地标记大型数据集中感兴趣的区域。我们通过检测模拟数据集中的候选签名成功证明了该算法。本文介绍了这项工作的详细信息,并重点介绍了未来的前景。
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神经符号(NESY)集成将符号推理与神经网络(NNS)结合在一起,用于需要感知和推理的任务。大多数NESY系统都依赖于逻辑知识的持续放松,并且在模型管道中没有做出离散决策。此外,这些方法假定给出了符号规则。在本文中,我们提出了深入的符号学习(DSL),这是一个学习NESY函数的NESY系统,即,(集合)感知函数的组成,将连续数据映射到离散符号,以及一组符号功能符号。 DSL同时学习感知和符号功能,同时仅接受其组成(NESY功能)训练。 DSL的关键新颖性是它可以创建内部(可解释的)符号表示形式,并将其映射到可区分的NN学习管道中的感知输入。自动选择创建的符号以生成最能解释数据的符号函数。我们提供实验分析,以证实DSL在同时学习感知和符号功能中的功效。
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在本文中,我们尝试使用神经网络结构来预测仅从其主要结构(氨基酸序列)的蛋白质的二级结构({\ alpha}螺旋位置)。我们使用该FCNN实施了完全连接的神经网络(FCNN)和预成型的三个实验。首先,我们对在鼠标和人类数据集进行训练和测试的模型进行跨物种比较。其次,我们测试了改变蛋白质序列长度的影响,我们输入了模型。第三,我们比较旨在专注于输入窗口中心的自定义错误功能。在论文的最后,我们提出了一个可以应用于问题的替代性,复发性神经网络模型。
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强化学习最近已成为解决棋盘游戏领域中复杂问题的非常强大的工具,其中通常需要代理来根据其自身的经验和收到的奖励来学习复杂的策略和移动。尽管RL胜过用于玩简单视频游戏和受欢迎的棋盘游戏的现有最新方法,但它尚未证明其在古代游戏中的能力。在这里,我们解决了一个这样的问题,在该问题中,我们使用不同的方法来训练代理商,即蒙特卡洛,Qlearning和Hir Hir Hight Sarsa能够学习最佳政策来发挥战略性的UR皇家游戏。我们游戏的状态空间很复杂,但是我们的代理商在玩游戏和学习重要的战略动作方面表现出令人鼓舞的结果。尽管很难得出结论,当接受有限的资源培训时,算法总体上的表现更好,但预计SARSA在学习最快的学习方面表现出了令人鼓舞的结果。
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